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Our Programs

Learn more about our wonderful programs

ANDance Jr. Company
The Alice Nealie Dance (ANDance) Junior Company is a pre-professional dance company. Established in 2011, the company has been a self-esteem building, confidence-strengthening entity since its genesis.

Click here to learn more about the ANDance Jr. Company

The Afterschool Arts Academy, simply referred to as The Academy, is an after-school fine arts program that transports students from school daily to our facility for classes in ballet, jazz, hip-hop, tap, vocal and instrumental music, theatre arts and more. Academic enrichment, homework assistance, and snacks are included. These Academy dancers, musicians, singers, and actors participate in an annual recital and have performance opportunities throughout the year. Afterschool Arts Academy picks up from schools within a 10 mile radius for both boys and girls K-8th grades.

Click here to learn more about the After School Arts Academy

Summer Theatre Arts Repertory (S.T.A.R)* S.T.A.R. Summer Theatre Arts Repertory is for ages 7-17 who desire to build on their love and passion for the performing arts. S.T.A.R. provides the performance and technical combination of theatre, music and dance; but also, provides continuing education with daily reading and academic fundamentals. S.T.A.R. culminates with a full-scale production, allowing all participants the opportunity to showcase what they have learned. S.T.A.R. consists of two (4) week instructional periods. Each participant is engaged daily in classes that teach and strengthen the basics of theatre, dance, and vocals. S.T.A.R. strives to motivate participants toward the spirit of excellence.

Click here to learn more about the STAR Program

Career Readiness & Education Works (C.R.E.W) Program* will offer a summer works and placement program for ages 16-18 years old. Participant will have workshop training in resume writing, interview skills, time management, customer service and financial management. Participant will receive computer training and other career skills resources that will prepare each individual for job placement and career development.